Social Sciences

The ao tangata | social sciences learning area is about people, places and society. Ākonga explore and engage with social issues and ideas as they develop an understanding of, knowledge about, and skills to think critically about social, cultural, economic, and political processes. The goals of te ao tangata | social sciences is for ākonga to contribute to and participate in society as critically informed, ethical, and empathetic citizens with a concern for the wellbeing of communities and a commitment to a fair society for all. 

In the social sciences ākonga learn practices, and skills in research, evaluation of sources, communication, reasoning, making compelling arguments, and decision making about social action. They come to understand that people have different experiences and perspectives and that recognising and drawing on this diversity helps them thrive as community members and citizens.

At the Junior level Aotearoa New Zealand's histories is essential learning. Aotearoa New Zealand Histories focuses on interactions that, across time, connect people to each other and to place, helping ākonga make sense of the present and informing their future decisions and actions. Ākonga build an understanding of the past, here, which they can use to explore contemporary social, economic and environmental issues here and around the world. 

Senior subjects in the Social Sciences Faculty equip students with knowledge and skills essential for navigating today's information-dense world. Students of Geography, History and Social Sciences are valued for their ability to engage with complex issues, understand perspectives and communicate compelling arguments. These subjects develop transferrable skills in research, critical literacy and communication which are valuable in all future career pathways.