St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 13 Geography

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss E. Rattray.

Recommended Prior Learning

 At least 12 credits in Year 12 Geography, English or other language rich subject.

Geography is the study of places as the home of people. To make sense of these places we ask: What is where? why there? why care? 

Year 13 Geography is designed to extend students' geographical thinking through the analysis of natural and cultural processes. Students will understand how people's diverse values and perceptions influence environmental, social and economic decisions across a range of contexts. Within the Year 13 programme students explore places and issues that reflect student interest.

Geographers think spatially. At Year 13 students apply this thinking by using maps, visual images and inquiry skills to show their understandings of the world around us. Fieldwork is an important part of Geography and students will attend a day trip to Omaha and Te Kohuroa - Matheson's Bay. 

This course is flexible enough to allow students to study Geography for the first time. 

Like all subjects in the Social Sciences Faculty, Geography equips students with knowledge and skills essential for navigating today's information-dense world. Students of Geography, History and Social Sciences are valued for their ability to engage with complex issues, understand perspectives and communicate compelling arguments. These subjects develop transferable skills in research, critical literacy and communication which are valuable in all future career pathways. 


Social Sciences

Career Pathways

Environmental Scientist, Urban/Regional Planner, Policy Analyst, Emergency Management Officer, Geospatial Specialist, Environmental/Public Health Officer, Landscape Architect, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Secondary School Teacher, Geologist, Environmental Engineer, Meteorologist, Ranger, Geophysicist, Mining Engineer, Zookeeper, Marine Biologist, Surveyor, Biosecurity Officer, Energy/Carbon Auditor, Pest Control Technician, Health Promoter, Immigration Officer, Epidemiologist

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will attend a one-day curriculum field trip to Omaha and Matheson’s Bay.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.