St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 13 English

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Dr I. Michell.

The NCEA L3 English course is designed to enhance enjoyment and confidence in reading, discussing, writing about and presenting on increasingly complex texts and sophisticated ideas.  Building on “analysing” (NCEA L2) and “showing understanding” (NCEA L1), L3 English emphasizes “critically responding”, which involves deepening appreciation of the significance of a text in its context(s), as well as what we – the audience – bring to our interpretation of a text. 

In this course you will study at least one extended written text and one film in preparation for writing literature essays in the external examination.  Practising your critical thinking and presentation skills, you will script and present a seminar making connections between the studied written text and three other texts. Further developing your ability to research and formulate an argument – and in preparation for Tertiary study – you will write a literature essay informed by critical texts, such as reviews, documentaries, essays, articles and/or theory. 

We are proud that JOY is embedded in the English curriculum – Engagement with text is a source of enjoyment and enrichment – and look forward to a year of rich reading, viewing, thinking, kōrero and writing. 



Assessment Information

This course has been designed for ākonga to complete:

Internal AS 91476
Either Internal AS 91478 OR Internal AS 91479
At least two out of three External AS (91472, 91473, 91474)


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.