St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 13 Mathematics with Calculus

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Dr L. Sheryn.

Recommended Prior Learning

13CLC entry requirements are 14 credits from 12MAT including a Merit or Excellence from 91261 Apply Algebraic Methods in Solving Problems.

If you wish to follow this course and you do not have the pre-requisites, you will need to discuss your options with Dr Sheryn at Subject Confirmation in January 2025. 

The aim of 13CLC is to introduce and develop students’ mathematical understanding to Level 8 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. 

The course introduces advanced mathematical skills and concepts, in the areas of applying trigonometric methods, and equations & expressions using complex numbers. It includes further exploration of differentiation and integration methods. 

This course will be assessed through one internal standard and three external standards. To support the work towards the externals there will also be appropriate topic tests throughout the course. 

Level 3 Calculus is an extremely challenging and fast paced course. A strong background in algebra is necessary for success in this course. 



Career Pathways

Auditor, Chemist, Marine Biologist, Biotechnologist, Electrical Engineer, Production Manager


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.