St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 12 Gateway

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms A. Dezoete.

Recommended Prior Learning

Entry Requirements and How To Apply 

There are limited spaces for the Gateway programme so careful selection is necessary. Expressions of interest will be through course subject selection or by the Deans. There may be an interview process for students who express interest in this course. 

As part of your course selection, we would like you to write a short paragraph explaining why you have selected Gateway as a subject. Please include: 

Dream, Discover, Decide: Your Gateway to Career Success

Gateway offers students the opportunity to explore their future study and career options. It opens a new pathway from school to employment/ on-the-job training/ tertiary study by combining school study and vocational courses with work-based learning. The expectation in this course is that students will attend a work placement for between two and ten days, from Term 2 onwards, and complete an individual learning plan of industry-based credits relating to their chosen area of work. Students need to be proactive when organising their work placement by approaching organisations/ businesses in their industry of interest. 

Career Opportunities include: Architecture & Engineering, Design, Early Childcare, Education, Health, Hospitality & Travel, Media & Communications, Sport & Recreation and a wide selection of trades. 


Social Sciences


Year 13 Gateway

Career Pathways

Software Developer, Baker, Beauty Therapist, Fabrication Engineer, Building Contractor, Building and Construction Manager, Trainer, Early Childhood Teacher, Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Primary School Teacher, Kaiwhakaako Māori, Nanny/Child Carer, Private Teacher/Tutor, Recreation Co-ordinator, Youth Worker, Secondary School Teacher, Teacher Aide, Hotel/Motel Manager, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Industrial Designer, Hotel Porter, Workplace Relations Adviser, Marine Engineer, Tour Guide, Travel Agent/Adviser, Flight Attendant, Animator/Digital Artist, Cook, Sales Representative, Accountant, Advertising Specialist, Sales and Marketing Manager, Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Air Force Officer, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Army Soldier, Electronics Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Biomedical Technician


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.