St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 12 Business Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs V. McDermott.

The aim of this course is: 

  • to explore how and why large businesses in New Zealand make operational decisions in response to internal and external factors. 
  • to plan, take to market, review, and then refine a business activity incorporating a community well-being focus, basing recommendations for the future on market feedback.  

Business is influenced by and impacts on the cultural, ethical, environmental, political, and economic conditions of the day. Issues such as sustainability, citizenship, enterprise, and globalisation are central to both business and the study of business.  

This course will introduce students to Business Studies theory using a combined experiential and case study approach. Students will also participate in the nationwide Young Enterprise Scheme, competing in challenges, as they carry out their business activity. Due to the group work involved, students will need to undertake a strong commitment to regular attendance and group work participation. 

Subject Overview

Term 1
Teaching and Learning Business Studies 2.4 internally assessed standard.

Purpose: Conduct market research for a new or existing product.

This involves:
• identifying the aim of the research
• planning and designing the research
• collecting and recording sufficient primary data relevant to the aim of the research
• presenting the data using a range of appropriate methods
• drawing a conclusion from the research
• stating, including and integrating business knowledge relevant to the conclusion
• stating, including and integrating Māori business concept(s) where relevant to the conclusion
• stating the strengths and/or weaknesses of the research
• providing reasoned explanations of the strengths and/or weaknesses of the research and how this impacts on the validity of the findings/conclusions
• discussing ways to improve the market research process.

Term 2
Teaching and Learning Business Studies 2.6 internally assessed standard.

Purpose: Carry out, review and refine a business activity within a community context with guidance.

This involves:
• in-depth and comprehensive planning for a guided business activity
• carrying out a first cycle of the business activity
• reviewing the first cycle of the business activity
• stating refinements to the business activity using reasoned explanations
• carrying out a second cycle of the refined business activity
• stating business knowledge relevant to the business activity
• stating a Māori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity
• stating how well the business activity was performed in the second cycle
• comparing the outcome of the business activity with the original planned business activity
• making the changes arising from the review to the market activity with the aim of making improvement(s).
• integrating business knowledge relevant to the business activity to fully support explanations
• integrating a Māori business concept(s) where relevant to the business activity to fully support explanations
• refining the business plan for the future after the second cycle (for excellence only)

Explanation of terms:
• A community context means the business activity must have a community well being focus and operate in the wider community.
• Well-being refers to improving the social, mental or physical health of a community or improving community cohesion.
• With guidance refers to teacher assistance given in relation to the business activity and ethical aspects.
• Review means comparing the outcome of the business activity with the original planned business activity
• Review-in-depth means comparing the outcome of the second cycle to the business plan made after the review of the first cycle
• Refine means making the changes arising from the review to the market activity with the aim of making improvement(s).
• A business activity refers to the production of a good or service.

Term 3
Teaching and Learning continued for Business Studies 2.6 internally assessed standard. Teaching and Learning Business Studies 2.2 externally assessed standard.

Purpose: Demonstrate understanding of how a large business responds to external factors.

This involves:
• fully explaining the nature and effects of external factors
• fully explaining and justifying how the business responds to those effects
• including and integrating examples to support explanations
• including and integrating business knowledge relevant to business response to support explanations
• including and integrating a Māori business concept(s) where relevant to business response to support explanations.

Explanation of terms:
• External factors refer to those outside of the business’s control that can affect its formation, functions, people, management and environment.
• A large business refers to any business operating in New Zealand with more than twenty employees or with a regional or national significance.
• Examples refer to providing relevant information from at least one large business studied in depth.
• Business response refers to decisions taken by the business in response to external factors.




Year 13 Business Studies

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There may be some costs associated with this course which may include business capital $25, Young Enterprise Scheme $25.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.