
The aims of the Commerce Faculty are to:

  • help to develop a belief in the value and usefulness of commerce (accounting, economics, business studies and financial capability)
  • help to foster and develop commerce abilities 
  • nurture confidence in commerce knowledge and skills
  • encourage a continuing and creative interest in commerce in the real world

 Subjects Offered

The Commerce Faculty offer a range of optional subjects across different levels as follows:

  • Year 10 Business Studies
  • Year 11 Accounting and Year 11 Economics (two separate courses)
  • Year 12 Accounting, Year 12 Business Studies and Year 12 Economics (three separate courses)
  • Year 13 Accounting, Year 13 Business Studies and Year 13 Economics (three separate courses)

Please talk with a Commerce teacher or Commerce Faculty Leader if you are unsure about which course is suitable for your academic journey.