St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 11 Mathematics with Statistics

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Dr L. Sheryn.

Recommended Prior Learning

While there are no pre-requisites, this course is designed for students who may find the 11MAT course and its algebra component challenging. 

This course is a pre-requisite for: Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (12MAS) 

Students will be invited to follow this course based on their Y10 Mathematics results. If you wish to take 11MAS then you are advised to discuss this with the Faculty Leader Dr Sheryn before you make your option choices.

The aim of 11MAS is to introduce and develop students’ mathematical understanding to Level 6 of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. 

The course involves exploring data using the Statistical Inquiry (or PPDAC) Cycle, demonstrating mathematical reasoning through methods involving Number and Measurement, investigating elements of chance, and evaluating probability activities. The course also contains aspects of linear algebra and relating algebra to graphs and tables. 

Students will be assessed with two internal NCEA assessments, as well as a school assessment that will identify strengths that will support students through Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics in Year 12. 

This course will prepare students for the Mathematics with Statistics courses in Years 12 and 13. 




Year 12 Mathematics with Statistics


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.