St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 11 History

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms P. Olson.

The aim of History is to enable students to acquire the knowledge, understanding, historical skills and critical thinking that are essential for appreciating the past and its influence on the present day. History provides a framework for understanding of New Zealand society and an insight into the social, economic and political issues shaping the world. 

This course is underpinned by the big idea that power relationships often drive History. It examines the ways that different communities have challenged the status quo and fought for their rights. Contexts include the US African American civil rights movement in the 1960s, Takaparawhā (Bastion Point) land rights and the Mau Movement for independence in Sāmoa.


Social Sciences


Year 12 History


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.