St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 10 Digital Technologies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs M. Thorpy.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies and the concepts that underpin them have an impact on people, societies and cultures. Students will investigate and consider possible digital solutions for authentic contexts or issues. They will follow a technological process to design, develop and document digital outcomes. The Digital Technologies course comprises CT (Computational Thinking) where students will be using Edison Robots to perform advanced activities. The other unit of work is DDDO (Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes) which enables students to utilise adaptive thinking and problem solving to come up with design solutions to produce innovative and creative designs for a digital outcome.  

There is an opportunity to attend the Shadow a Tech Day to visit various companies in Auckland to explore what jobs are available in the tech industry in Information Technology/Digital Technologies and career pathways.

Subject Overview

Term 1

Students will be developing and designing a digital outcome by producing a Kiwiana Souvenir, leaflet to promote their product and a price tag. A wide range of apps will be used to produce the outcome: Canva, Publisher, and Photoshop. the Souvenir must have a New Zealand or Maori/Pasifika theme. Students will apply their knowledge and skills as they engage in technological practice to develop their Souvenir and print media.

Term 2

Students will choose their own context and will design a 5 page Website with digital media: animations, slideshows, videos and links. They will be using Wix and Photoshop to produce their digital outcome. Students are required to skilfully and efficiently apply web design techniques to create a website that incorporates original content and integrates digital media.

Term 3

Students will be producing their Movie on a Technology topic. They will be using iMovie, Premiere Pro or Canva to design their Movie. The Movie must be interesting to encourage their viewers to learn about their topic and its impact on society and businesses. Students will develop skills and knowledge of tools and techniques in developing a story board and using digital media to design a captivating Movie for their viewers.

Term 4

Students will be using Edision Robots to perform advanced tasks and will be using Ed-Scratch to program the robots. They will be building and controlling an EdTank/EdDigger/EdRobot claw. Other activities are coding the robot to respond to music, loops, what if ... and using variables to store different values.



Assessment Information

1. Kiwiana Assignment
2. Web Design Assignment
3. Film Production Assignment
4. Advanced Edison Robots


Year 11 Computer Science Coding, Year 11 Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies encourages creativity and critical thinking, and builds technical skills that will empower akonga throughout their life beyond school. It sets students up for pathways into a wide range of fields, from providing digital solutions to issues facing our world, helping people carry out daily tasks, information and communication technologies, digital technologies, graphic design to arts and entertainment. As individuals, understanding the power of digital technologies enables students to participate in a digital society in a safe and informed manner, and potentially to become digital innovators themselves. Career pathways include: Animator/Digital Artist, Website Developer, Software Developer, Electronics Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Information Technology Helpdesk/Support Technician, Systems Administrator, Graphic Pre-press Worker, Information Technology Architect, Game Developer, User Experience Designer, Test Analyst, Network Administrator, Geospatial Specialist, Security Consultant, and Data Analyst Scrum Master.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.