Year 10 Business Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs V. McDermott.

Business Studies gives students an introduction to the world of business, the New Zealand economy and accounting. Students will have the opportunity to run a small business within a group setting, as well as gaining financial literacy skills such as banking, saving, debt, loans, Kiwisaver, budgeting. These topics will broaden student understanding of the economic world, with a particular focus on local contexts. 

Enrichment Opportunities (in-class and co-curricular):

As this is an optional subject higher end learners are quickly identified and are encouraged to further their understanding with independent learning where appropriate. Leadership and communication skills are also promoted and developed.

This course leads into 11 Economics and 11 Accounting. 

Subject Overview

Term 1
Introduction and Economics (Term 1, 10 weeks)

What is economics, how values impact on choices, limited means, scarcity, opportunity cost, consumers, production, goods and services, production process, resources, types of producers, sustainability, circular flow – households, firms, government, financial and overseas sectors.

Term 2
Accounting (Term 2, 8 weeks)
What is accounting, accounting elements, Income Statements (fully classified), Statements of Financial Position (fully classified), trial balances, accounting concepts.
Introduction of Banqer High online financial literacy programme.

Term 3
Business and Entrepreneurship (12 weeks)

What is entrepreneurship, characteristics of an entrepreneur, researching an entrepreneur, Māori business concepts, role of business, mission statements, business values and objectives, plan a business activity (operations (production), human resources, marketing/sales, finances and sales pitches), carry out a business activity (market day) and evaluate a business activity.

Term 4
Financial Capability (9 weeks)

Applying for a job, kiwisaver, buying a car, banking, insurance, student loans, budgeting, flatting
Use of Banqer High online financial literacy programme.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Online Banqer $20.00 excl GST
Market Day Capital $15.00


Assessment Information

Each topic (Economics, Accounting, Business and Financial Literacy) will be separately assessed.
A range of assessment tools will be used including tests, interactive modelling, group projects, market day, presentations.
The assessments will include the use of some online tools e.g., Banqer, Excel, Word, PowerPoint.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.