St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 8 Chinese

Subject Description

If you enjoyed learning Chinese in Year 7 then you will love Year 8 Chinese!

Year 8 Chinese builds on the learning completed in Year 7.  It is a half year course so you will either take Chinese in Term 1 and 2 or Term 3 and 4.

You will not work in form classes so you will get to know new people in your year level.

The year begins with a review of all work covered in the previous year to ensure everyone starts with confidence.

Year 8 is still very much a course for beginners.

The topics covered are:

- Introductions (greetings, introducing yourself, numbers, ethnicities)

- Daily Life (dates, times, routines)

- My Family (family members, family cultures, introducing other people)

- Food and Drink (food and drink, describing food, likes and dislikes)

Chinese culture is woven through lessons - you will learn to read and write Chinese characters, try some Chinese food, learn about Chinese festivals, sing songs and maybe even study a Chinese film.

Assessment covers the skills of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.  There is also a research assignment on a Chinese recipe.

There are many online programmes to complement your learning and your teachers are always there to support you. Lunchtime catch-up classes will also be available on a needs basis.




The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.