St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 13 Drama

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms L. Tourelle.

Recommended Prior Learning

Drama students need to enjoy group work and have a keen desire to perform. If students are new to Drama as a subject, entry will be at the discretion of the Head of Drama.

This course continues exploring and building skills from the Year 12 course and applies these to more mature and sophisticated material.  

It is a practical course comprised of three performance assessments.  First, students will use expressive skills in a scene from a play. These skills are then used to perform a character in a production of a play for an audience. In the last assessment, students will choose a concept they wish to explore as the basis for creating an original devised drama. 

All work is done in pairs or a group, so students are required to be in attendance for 90% of the classes to be eligible for assessment. 

In the external examination, students will discuss a live performance they have seen during the year. 



Career Pathways

Actor, Journalist, Television Presenter, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artistic Director, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Author, Dancer, Entertainer, Film/Television Camera Operator, Make-up Artist, Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Radio Presenter, Media Producer, Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Model, Private Teacher/Tutor, Barrister, Counsellor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Primary School Teacher, Secondary School Teacher, Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Career Consultant

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will attend a theatre performance and have workshops with theatre professionals. ($40)


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.