St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 13 Art Design

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms T. Gilbert.

Recommended Prior Learning

16 Credits in Year 12 Art Design is recommended

This course aims to consolidate students' practical design skills through a combination of drawing processes, painting, photography and illustration, and using the computer to develop and digitally produce ideas. Skills Covered: Logo design, Typography (text), Layout design, Posters, Tickets, Billboards, Books, Magazines, Advertising, Website design and product design such as packaging. 





Career Pathways

Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Sales and Marketing Manager, Product Assembler, Animator/Digital Artist, Patternmaker, Artist, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Interior Designer, Technical Writer, Graphic Pre-press Worker, Visual Merchandiser, Game Developer, Photographer, Printer, Signmaker, User Experience Designer

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Materials as listed on


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.