St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)
Year 12 Religious Education
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge:
Mrs J. Williams.

Aims and Objectives of this course:
- Students will deepen their understanding and appreciation of the Catholic Church.
- They will regularly participate in a wide variety of co-curricular areas around Religious Education such as retreats and Masses, and these will help to assist them in their faith development.
- Students will work on attaining 18 Achievement Standard Credits across the year and these credits can be used for subject endorsement.
Topics taught in Level 2 Religious Education:
Students will complete three modules throughout the year which will provide them with opportunities to display and express the aims and objectives above. Each module covered concludes with a summative assessment contributing to NCEA Level 2. Each Achievement Standard is worth 6 credits.
Students will:
- Present clear and accurate information when looking in depth at their topic.
- They will explore a wide range of key religious beliefs and understand how they relate to life today.
- They will focus on Christianity, the Bible, creedal and doctrinal Statements for developing understanding
- They will use accepted Christian sources for referencing and will draw from Scripture, Magisterium and Tradition to support their understanding of each topic.
WORLD RELIGIONS: This topic will - Identifying and investigating significant features of the major world religions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
- Explore key belief comparisons between Islam and Christianity.
- Inquire into the nature and function of religion.
- Identify the Catholic Church’s attitude and response to non-Christian religions.
- Inquire into the beliefs pertaining to death, dying and funerals.
- Developing an understanding of death and judgement in Catholicism and Islam.
- Involve research into supporting evidence from a combination of Magisterium, Scripture & Tradition.
ETHICS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: This topic will explore - Sources of Ethics and how ethics, morals, and hierarchies of values are developed.
- The Christian vision of tika (justice).
- Sources of the Church’s teaching on justice in Scripture and the on-going Catholic tradition.
- Key principles and concepts underlying the Church’s teaching on issues of social justice.
- Ways in which people can build justice.
- Social Justice organisations and their work in the world.
- An in-depth study of one Social Justice organisation, and the wider implications of this work for the community.
MARY MODEL OF FAITH: This topic will explore - A thematic study of Mary in the Bible.
- A focus on Mary as a Model of Faith.
- Methods of using supporting evidence from a combination of Magisterium, Scripture & Tradition.
Religious Education
Year 13 Religious Education