St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 12 French

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs P. Lynch.

Recommended Prior Learning

L1 French or native speaker advantage

Year 12 French allows students to become secure in their Year 11 learning and build on this with more sophisticated language features. In Year 12, students focus on expressing and justifying their opinions on a variety of topics such as their future plans, friendship and family relationships, and health and social issues facing teenagers. Students also have the chance to complete a literature study.  

At this level of French, we give students more ownership in programme planning.  If there is a particular interest or passion within the class, we endeavour to focus on this as a learning possibility in addition to proposed topics. 

The skills of reading, speaking (both prepared and conversational), listening and writing are all covered and assessed throughout the year so that students are able to both understand and produce French language. 

Year 12 French is a year long course, 7 periods per cycle. 

Click on this link to see what students have to say about Year 12 French    Why Take Year 12 French?



Assessment Information

Weekly vocabulary tests


Year 13 French

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Subscription to Education Perfect - French is recommended.
We endeavour to take Year 12 students to a French restaurant and film and offer several competitions / quizzes, outings and meet-ups with other schools throughout the year. These are organised as the year progresses.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.