St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Senior English for English Language Learners

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms B. Steward.

Senior English for English Language Learners

This course will support Year 12 & 13 English Language Learners (ELLS), who are at ELLP Stage 3 / High B1 (CEFR) and above, in their progress towards gaining University Entrance Literacy by the end of Year 13. This course delivers the refreshed Aotearoa New Zealand Curriculum to develop the skills of analysing and creating a range of text types. The course provides a language learning focus to enable ākonga to strengthen their Academic English skills. Texts are selected to appeal to ākonga from a range of cultures. They will study a range of short written texts: poetry, prose and non-fiction as well as film, and learn to write analytical essays. They will also read a range of texts independently and write personal responses. Most learners will pathway through this course over two years. It is anticipated that most ākonga will achieve the full complement of University Entrance Literacy credits in Year 13.




The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.