St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms B. Steward.

This course is for senior students who have English as an additional language and require English Language support. The aim is to build the language learner’s competence and confidence communicating in social situations as well as in academic study. The course integrates the skills of Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening in a series of topic-based units which relate to the New Zealand Curriculum. An important focus is learning topic specific vocabulary as well as the 2500 most commonly used words. The course endeavours to tailor the learning and assessment to the student’s language level. Students are assessed against the most appropriate NCEA Levels 1-3 English Language Unit Standards. Students may be required to take this option for two years in order to prepare for the Level 2 English for ESOL course, which prepares them for University Entrance Literacy.



Assessment Information

Students will be offered English Language Standards at the Level which is appropriate for their language proficiency.


Senior English for English Language Learners


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.