St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 11 Dance

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs N. Tsui, Mrs S. Davies.

Recommended Prior Learning

No prerequisites required


Dance is an embodied language. In dance education, ākonga learn to communicate through movement and interpret meaning from movement. Learning in Dance supports ākonga to expand the ways they express ideas, feelings, values, and beliefs, as well as how they understand those of others. Ākonga develop literacy in dance as they learn about, and extend their skills in movement, performance, and choreography. 

The Big Ideas in this course include the following: 

  • He atua, he tipua, he tangata — dance is a descendant of culture 
  • Dance nurtures whanaungatanga 
  • Dance is embodied cognition 
  • Dance develops creative and critical thinking skill
  • Dance uses iterative processes 

This course is highly practical and provides students with a wide knowledge of dance genres. The course will explore choreography, performance and theoretical concepts of dance, while also increasing aesthetic understandings about dance works in various contexts. Education in dance promotes personal and social well-being by developing students' self-esteem, social interactions, and confidence in physical expression. 

Students will have the opportunity to perform in a show towards the end of the year at St Marys College. 

There may be dance workshops delivered by local dance companies. There will also be an opportunity to watch a dance performance at the theatre. This may incur a cost of up to $40.


Physical Education, Health & Dance

Assessment Information

Students will be assessed in this course through a selection of the standards listed. Resulting in a 15 credit course.


Year 12 Dance

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There may be dance workshops delivered by local dance companies. There will also be an opportunity to watch a dance performance at the theatre. This may incur a cost of up to $40.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.