St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 10 Sports and Hauora Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Davies.

Recommended Prior Learning

No prerequisites required however a high level of engagement and participation preferred in Year 10SHS course.


This course will prepare students for both Level 1 Health and/or Physical Education. Students will be introduced to aspects of Sport Science (biophysical principles, including functional anatomy and biomechanics), Health Promotion, Socio-cultural factors, Aquatics and Sexuality Education. These topics are not covered in the compulsory Year 10 Health & Physical Education course. 

Aims of the Course: 

  • To provide students with the opportunities to extend their knowledge and understanding of Health and Physical Education concepts taught in compulsory Junior Health and Physical Education courses. 
  • To develop students' literacy skills needed for Level 1. 
  • Provide connections that utilize skills learned in school to life situations, such as involving students in a school health promotion campaign


Physical Education, Health & Dance

Assessment Information

Students are assessed on their application and understanding of Health and Sports Science concepts throughout the year across a combination of theoretical written assessments and practical applications.


Year 11 Health Studies, Year 11 Physical Education

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Physical Education Uniform (St Mary's College top, St Mary's College shorts and sport shoes), swimming togs and swimming cap.

A trip is included in this course to practically experience the learning throughout the first part of the year. The cost of trip is $30-$40.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.