St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 10 French

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs P. Lynch.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 French or native speaker advantage.

Year 10 French is an exciting departure – from Auckland to Paris!  The overarching theme of the year is to prepare students for travel to the City of Lights.  Topics covered include booking flights, hotels and restaurants and packing suitcases, planning an itinerary, understanding directions and getting around the city.  Later in the year students explore finding an apartment in Paris and planning a flat warming party.  All good things come to an end and upon their return to New Zealand, students learn how to talk about what a fantastic trip they had. The year threads culture and language together so that students learn about all that Paris offers as well as how to express themselves.  

The skills of Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing are all covered throughout the year so that students are able to both understand and produce French language. 

Year 10 French is a year long course, 4 periods per cycle. See what students have to say about Year 10 French here 

Why Take Year 10 French?



Assessment Information

Assessment throughout the year covers:
Listening and Reading
A Paris Research Assignment


Year 11 French

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

We endeavour to take Year 10 students to a French restaurant and offer several competitions and meet up opportunities with other schools throughout the year. These are organised as the year progresses.


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.