St Mary’s College (Ponsonby) St Mary’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 10 English

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Dr I. Michell.

The Year 10 course delivers the refreshed Aotearoa New Zealand Curriculum and is structured around making meaning, through reading, listening and viewing; and creating meaning, through writing, speaking and presenting. Ākonga | Students close-read a range of poetry and prose and practise language skills to then develop their own writing for an assessed Writing Portfolio. A whole Term is dedicated to the study of a Shakespeare play in its historical context and learning to write a formal literature response essay. In Term 3 ākonga read, study and respond to a novel. They then build on their reading skills and draw on personal interest to choose and research a topic relevant to teenagers today. Using rhetorical strategies, they write and deliver a speech to the class. In Term 4 we focus on film, close-viewing a documentary, and also prepare for the new Literacy Standards, examined at the end of the year. This course is designed for ākonga to enjoy, understand and create a rich range of text types, thereby developing their critical and creative skills in English.




Year 11 English


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.