Year 10 Chinese

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Ting.

Year 10 is a year of exchange opportunities from schools abroad. The theme of the year is to prepare students for engaging with Chinese speaking students living overseas. Topics include daily lifestyle, school life, exploring towns, travelling, planning an itinerary, making reservations, restaurant interactions. Later in the year students exchange written correspondence with overseas Chinese speaking students. The Year 10 course weaves language and culture to allow an authentic Chinese learning experience. The skills of Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing are all covered throughout the year so that students are able to both understand and produce Chinese language. 

Year 10 Chinese is a year long course, 4 periods per cycle. 

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 Chinese or native / heritage speaker advantage


Assessment Information

Assessment throughout the year covers:
Listening and Reading


The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.