Year 9 Te Reo Māori

Subject Description

If you have enjoyed learning Te Reo Māori in Years 7 and 8 then you will love Year 9 Te Reo!  

Year 9 Te Reo Māori builds on the learning completed in Years 7 and 8 programs.  It is a full year course, and you will not work in form classes so you will get to know new people in your year level.  

The year begins with a review of all work covered in previous years to ensure everyone starts with confidence.  

While still a beginner level programme, during the Year 9 course, you will become more independent in your use of Māori - creating your own sentences and expressing your basic opinions.  

The topics covered are:  

- My identity (countries, nationalities, my whānau, who am I)  

- My hobbies (sports, music, interests, activities)  

- Kai- Food (opinions, recipes, Hangi and Māori kai, Maarā kai/gardening, shopping and currency)   

- Whare Moemoea- My dream house (counting, objects, prepositions and describing rooms in the house)   

-Purakau Māori- Māori stories including the creation stories, Atua Māori/Māori Gods (draw comparisons between Atua Māori and Catholicism) Te Taiao (environment)  

Te Ao Māori/Māori culture is woven through lessons - you may try some Māori food, learn about parts of the Wharenui and Marae settings, sing Waiata and Haka and maybe even study a Māori film or show on Whakaata Māori.  

Assessment covers the skills of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.  

There are many online programmes to complement your learning and your teachers are always there to support you.  There are also catch-up classes if needed available at lunchtimes. Kapa Haka for the school is an option (not compulsory) to be immersed in Te Reo and Te Ao Māori.  



The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.