Year 8 French

Subject Description

So you enjoyed Year 7 French? Well Year 8 French will not disappoint!

In Year 8 we delve further into the intricacies of the French language and French speaking world as you edge ever closer to becoming an independent language user!

Year 8 French is a semester course (two terms).  You will be placed in random classes (so you will not be in your form class).  This means that you will get to know new people. You will take French for 5 periods per cycle.

The course builds on language learning skills begun in Year 7 French but is still very much a beginners course.  We start the semester with a review of Year 7 learning to make sure everyone feels confident and then move on to cover topics such as:

  • Weather
  • My pencilcase
  • Personal description (hair, eyes and personality)
  • Family (describing in detail who is in your family)

We weave cultural learning through the course - you may try some French food, learn about French festivals, sing songs and maybe even study a French film.  We also open your eyes and minds to French history.

You will have access to your online notebook and various online language learning aids to support your learning journey.  Your teachers are available to help you if you have any concerns.

Year 8 assessment covers the skills of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing and also includes a research project on famous French inventions.

Students who are new to St. Mary’s College and French learning in Year 8 attend a series of lunchtime tutorials in Term 1 or Term 3 (depending on your semester) to catch you up on missed work.





The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.