Year 13 Te Reo Māori
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms W. Jones.
Year 13 Te Reo Māori builds on 7 years of language learning and the course offers plenty of opportunities for students to master communication in a variety of topics relevant to their age. At this stage, students are the subject experts and, in most cases, discover their unique style of language production and develop a secondary personality based on the way they communicate in Te Reo Māori. While there are a range of preset topics such as Te Hitori o Te Iwi Māori me te whakaorangatanga o te reo- The history of Te Iwi Māori and the revitalization journey of the language,Te Taiao- the environment and popular culture, students also get to explore specialised topics which are of interest in the internally assessed standards. By the end of the year, students are able to give opinions and challenge others’ opinions in Māori. At this level of language learning, we continue to give students more ownership in programme planning. If there is a particular interest or passion within the class, we endeavour to focus on this as a learning possibility in addition to proposed topics. Unlike the year 12 course, year 13 offers a world bigger picture scope through a Māori lens. Students explore the past, using past tense and past significant people to explore future tense and grammar as well as future topics.
The skills of panui/reading, kōrerorero/speaking (both prepared and conversational), whakarongo/listening and tuhituhi/writing are all covered and assessed throughout the year so that students can. both understand and produce Te Reo Māori comprehensively and confidently.
Year 13 Te Reo Māori is a year long course, 8 periods per cycle.
Recommended Prior Learning
12 Te Reo Māori or fluent speaker advantage
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Possible Noho Marae trip
Possible visit to Rangitoto Maunga and Waitemata
Participant and Tautoko at the Manu Korero speech competition
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Te Reo M�ori 3.1 - Whakarongo kia mohio ki te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Te Reo M�ori 3.2 - Korero kia whakamahi i te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Te Reo M�ori 3.3 - Panui kia mohio ki te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Te Reo M�ori 3.5 - Waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 22
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Pathway Tags
Animator/Digital Artist, Actor, Copywriter, Anaesthetist, Archivist, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Historian, Artistic Director, Film and Video Editor, Barrister, Audiologist/Audiometrist, Author, Tattoo Artist, Midwife, Urban/Regional Planner, Elected Government Representative, Journalist, Graphic Designer, Communications Professional, Interpreter,
The information about this course is accurate at the time of viewing/printing. Please note that there may be changes.